sgrieves@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr S Grieves |
Headteacher |
pgriffiths@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs P Griffiths |
Acting Deputy Headteacher |
tcunningham@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr T Cunningham |
Assistant Headteacher |
sdavies@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Davies |
Assistant Headteacher |
sdunn@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Dunn |
Assistant Headteacher |
jemsley@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs J Emsley |
Business Manager |
sbramwell@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Bramwell |
Associate Assistant Headteacher |
eyates@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms E Yates |
Associate Assistant Headteacher |
Art |
vanderson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs V Anderson |
Head of Art |
Art |
shall@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Hall |
Drama |
sbramwell@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Bramwell |
Associate Assistant Headteacher |
Drama |
jstone@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs J Stone |
Drama |
jwalker@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs J Walker |
Temporary Head of Drama |
English |
swilson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Wilson |
Head of English |
English |
ajones@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms A Jones |
Deputy Head of English |
English |
mbrook@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr M Brook |
English |
rbrosnan@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss R Brosnan |
English |
cclarke@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms C Clarke |
Literacy Coordinator |
English |
gdobson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs G Dobson |
English |
jmetcalfe@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms J Metcalfe |
Mental health lead |
English |
vpearson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs V Pearson |
English |
astanley@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs A Stanley |
Head of Media Studies |
English |
nwhyte@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs N Whyte |
Progress lead – job share – maternity cover |
English |
pwoolley@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss P Woolley |
English |
eyates@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss E Yates |
Associate Assistant Headteacher |
Geography |
dsellers@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr D Sellers |
Head of Geography |
Geography |
jrogers@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss J Rogers |
Progress Lead - CiC |
Geography |
ismith@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr I Smith |
History |
rbushaway@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr R Bushaway |
Head of History |
History |
kmellor@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs K Mellor |
Progress Lead - CiC |
History |
swightman@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Wightman |
Learning for Life Coordinator |
cwood@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs C Wood |
Head of Computer science |
sbilney@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr S Bilney |
Learning Support |
jrobinson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs J Robinson |
Learning Support |
ctyler@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss C Tyler |
Head of Learning Support |
Learning Support |
kdurber@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs K Durber |
Learning Support |
afoulkes@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs A Foulkes |
Learning Support |
elonsdale@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs E Lonsdale |
Learning Support |
lpearson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs L Pearson |
Learning Support |
lrowland@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs L Rowland |
Learning Support |
ewragg@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs E Wragg |
Maths |
scolloby@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss S Colloby |
Head of Maths |
Maths |
phall@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr P Hall |
Deputy Head of Maths |
Maths |
AAlabdi@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr A Al Abdi |
Maths |
cgratton@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs C Gratton |
Maths |
dlatham@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr D Latham |
Maths |
sshimwell@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss S Shimwell |
Maths |
zvickers@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs Z Vickers |
elewis@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms E Lewis |
Head of MFL |
tcrick@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs T Crick |
jdebrito@hapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms J De Brito |
lwallhouse@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss L Wallhouse |
Progress Lead |
nwright@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms N Wright |
Progress lead – job share – maternity cover |
Music |
kwood@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms K Wood |
Head of Music |
Music |
sledbury@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Ledbury |
PE |
phenshall@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr P Henshall |
Head of PE |
PE |
lbowater@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss L Bowater |
PE |
mheath@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss M Heath |
PE |
dturner@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr D Turner |
SSCo |
Pastoral |
swebb@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs S Webb |
Bowden house |
Pastoral |
escorer@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs E Scorer |
Combs house |
Pastoral |
dwightman@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr D Wightman |
Hollins house |
Pastoral |
clouis@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs C Louis |
Kinder house |
Pastoral |
aparry@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs A Parry |
Family Outreach manager |
PaE |
alayman@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Ms A Layman |
Head of Philosophy & ethics/Mental health lead |
Science |
crobertson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs C Robertson |
Head of Science |
Science |
rbrooke@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss R Brooke |
Deputy Head of Science |
Science |
canderson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss C Anderson |
Science |
bedwards@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr B Edwards |
Science |
mjones@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr M Jones |
Science |
cking@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss C King |
Science |
rlawson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr R Lawson |
Science |
dpoole@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr D Poole |
D of E Co-ordinator |
Technology |
awhitham@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Miss A Whitham |
Head of Design Technology |
Technology |
ngrayson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr N Grayson |
Technology |
rjackson@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mr R Jackson |
Progress Lead |
Technology |
tmayo@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs T Mayo |
Head of Food Studies |
Technology |
hwicks@chapelhigh.org.uk |
Mrs H Wicks |