
Evidence suggests that homework can have a positive impact on student progress, particularly in secondary schools.


We believe that homework works best when it relates to the learning that takes place during normal school hours. It is then an integral part of education that helps students to know more and remember more.

We aim to set a range of purposeful tasks that allow students to revisit their prior learning or give opportunity to further their knowledge and understanding of subjects.

Parents can view all homework that has been set for their child by logging onto their Go4Schools parent account. We ask parents to support their child in managing their time and meeting deadlines. Failure to complete tasks may result in a detention or other sanction.

Years 7 to 9

Students in years 7 to 9 have homework in maths, English, science, MFL and history a minimum of once per fortnight. Our aim is that, where possible, students have a full week to complete tasks set. All other subjects set a project-style homework (see schedule below).

At key assessment points students in these year groups will be given revision tasks in addition to the homework above. Students need to complete this work to the best of their ability to ensure they are adequately prepared for these examinations.

The homework project schedule for years 7 to 9 is here.

Years 10-11

In years 10 and 11, homework is set at least once per fortnight in all GCSE subjects as students work towards their examinations. We also expect students in these year groups to complete additional, independent study, reviewing lesson notes and materials or using online revision sites or apps to ensure the best outcome at the end of their course of study.

If you have any queries please contact the subject teacher or the Head of Department in the first instance.

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