Curriculum Structure

We operate a two-week timetable; weeks are referred to as red and blue weeks. There are 25, 1-hour lessons per week and each day begins with a 20-minute tutor period. The curriculum structure is set out below. Please see the Subjects page for curriculum aims and the content for each subject.

Year 7

All students in year 7 follow courses in English, mathematics, science, design technology, modern foreign languages, geography, history, art, music, computer science, physical education, philosophy and ethics (RE) and drama. The three modern languages studied in year 7 are French, Spanish and German.

On entry to the school students are placed in six mixed ability teaching classes, referred to as 7 C,E,L,F,H and S. For maths, students are placed in sets from the start of the year, based on assessment data received from primary schools and baseline testing on entry. A small number of students need further ‘catch up’ intervention focussed on improving their literacy skills and will have 6 hours of additional English and maths instead of studying modern foreign languages.

English Maths Science History Geography Philosophy and Ethics Computer science MFL Art Music Drama PE Design and technology Lerning for Life
7 7 6 3 3 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 2

Year 8

During year 7 students opt to study one of the three modern foreign languages on offer. Students will no longer be in a specific teaching class, but will be in a “population” A or B, arranged to accommodate their language choice. Within the population, they may be set according to ability, for example in languages or in a mixed ability group, for example in drama. We are able offer flexibility in our groupings to match the needs of each cohort and there is fluid movement between sets. A small number of students continue to have additional intervention in place of a modern foreign language.

English Maths Science History Geography Philosophy and Ethics Computer science mfl Art Music Drama PE Design and Technology Learning for Life
7 7 6 3 3 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 2

Year 9

In January of year 9, we start the process of selecting options for GCSE study, but students continue to follow the full range of subjects until the end of the academic year. A small number of students continue to have additional intervention in place of a Modern Foreign Language.

English Maths Science History Geography Philosophy and Ethics Computing MFL Art Music Drama PE Design and Technology Learning for Life
7 7 6 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 2 4 2 1

Years 10 and 11

All students follow the core curriculum: English language, English literature, mathematics, science and core PE.

They are then able to opt for four other subjects. Students are able to select courses in triple science, computer science, French, German, Spanish, history, geography, religious studies, fine art, 3D art, photography, drama, music, GCSE PE, hospitality and catering, design and technology, creative imedia, media studies and textiles. We are very proud of the wide programme we are able to offer.

All GCSEs are now graded 9-1 and we offer some technical awards alongside these.

Again, students are placed in a population, A or B, and are taught in sets in English, maths and science. Option blocks run across the whole year group.

Year 10
English Maths Science PE Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
7 7 9 3 6 6 6 6
Year 11
English Maths Science PE Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
8 8 10 4 5 5 5 5

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