CEOP Report


What to do if you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child.

You can report concerns to Derbyshire County Council’s Child Protection team by calling 01629 533 190.

If you think a child is in immediate danger you should call the police on 999 or, if less urgent, on 101.

If you are a child in school you can talk to any adult about your concerns.

Students in school can report bullying or sexual harassment (in or out of school) by emailing Chapel Calls it Out:

Contact Childline.

The schools approach to safeguarding

Safeguarding is our highest priority. All staff receive regular training in all aspects of safeguarding. The school has six designated safeguarding leads (DSLs):

Senior DSL Paula Griffiths
Deputy DSL Damian Wightman
Deputy DSL Clair Louis

We use our Learning for Life programme to teach young people how to stay safe. This includes staying safe online, in relationships, understanding substance abuse and many other areas of personal safety.

All of our staff undergo rigorous checks before being appointed.

Our processes meet the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Our safeguarding policy is here.

We work closely with other agencies to keep children safe, these include Derbyshire Social Care, the NHS, the police, local GPs, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, other local schools and colleges. We will share information with these services to keep children safe.

If you are a professional, you can contact our safeguarding team for non-urgent enquiries using

Early Help

The school provides early help services to children and families. Our family outreach manager is:

Mrs A Parry

Mrs Parry works full-time in term time and on Tuesdays during school holidays.

Mental Health Support

The Derby and Derbyshire Portal for mental health support is here.

The website provides resources and contact details to support anyone who is feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just wants to feel happier. It includes support for children, adults, those with disabilities and neurodiversity (autism, ADHD etc.). It also includes information on suicide prevention.

Online safety

Children today have access to and are influenced by a range of online media and need guidance and support in order to know how to make best use of technology without putting themselves at risk. We address this through our Learning for Life programme and through work in ICT lessons but parents will clearly play the biggest role in monitoring children’s use of social media. This can be a daunting task and keeping in touch with developments is very challenging.

This page aims to provide you with information and links to further sources of advice to help you in this.

Thinkuknow: parents
The latest information to help parents understand the internet and realise what the risks are, so that they can support their children's internet use.

Thinkuknow: students
The latest information on the sites teenagers like to visit, mobiles and new technology.

CEOP allows anyone to easily report online exploitation or abuse.

Working online in school

At school, we filter all internet content and students have restricted access to the internet on the school network. Students’ mobile devices cannot be connected to the school network. We insist that mobile devices are switched off and in bags during the school day. We cannot of course prevent students from accessing online content using their mobile devices once they have left the school site.

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